Akashic Reading: Karma Energy Balancing, Healing and Remedies


This session is a one-on-one, online appointment tailored to your needs. The duration of each session varies, ranging from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the individual case. You can book here.


This Healing will have life-long effect on a person, it’s not meant for temporary relief.

This sacred healing procedure requires the suspension of any judgment to the soul's journey and respect of the Divine process. Karmic Balancing transcends the realm of the ego and time, guiding individuals on an exploratory journey into the Akashic Records to unveil the profound storylines of their souls. Regardless of the revelations that surface, I encourage all seekers to maintain humility in the face of divine insights. If you do not resonate with or believe in this practice, we kindly suggest refraining from proceeding, as it is essential to avoid unwittingly perpetuating karmic ripples.

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Understanding Karma

Karma, derived from the Sanskrit word for "action," represents the universal principle governing the maintenance of equilibrium within Creation. In this vast cosmic expanse, actions are not met with judgment, but rather exist within the framework of a cosmic force intent on preserving harmony and balance. This force seeks to return all things to a state of perfect equilibrium, often referred to as the point of origin, or zero. Every action sets off a ripple within this Divine Plane, our Universe, resulting in the emergence of a counterforce to balance the energy generated by sentient beings. It is important to note that the effects of karmic counterbalances may not necessarily manifest within a single lifetime, as they may extend from the soul's previous journeys across dimensions and planes.

Possible Negative Effects of Negative Karma (Not Limited To)

  • Prolonged / Chronic / Genetic / Generational health issues

  • Strained relationships

  • Familial discord

  • Unfavorable circumstances

  • Persistent challenges in specific life areas

About the Process

This healing service is an Online session, it requires between the individual seeking healing and the practitioner.

The healing session starts with a warm welcome and a discussion of the healing intentions. This practice addresses a wide spectrum of issues and obstacles; examples are provided above. Subsequently, the practitioner seeks the individual's consent to access their Akashic Records, with the aid of both the practitioner and their Spirit Guides. Throughout the journey, the practitioner will guide the individual, who is not required to visualize anything, as the practitioner assumes the role of leading and describing the unfolding journey.

You Will Leave This Session with The Clarity of:

  1. The Origin Story of Your Inquiry

  2. Profound Energy Healing Targeting the Root Karmic Event, thereby mitigating the karmic ripple effects in your present timeline

  3. Consultation with the Akashic Record Keeper, offering remedies to balance or alleviate karmic obstacles

Potential Healing Benefits of This Session (Not Limited To)

  1. Liberation from entanglement with mystical forces that hinder your path

  2. Attainment of spiritual equilibrium and release from karmic bonds

  3. Elevation from negative emotions such as anger, guilt, judgment, resentment, or a sense of misfortune